Warrington & Co Great Sankey Neighbourhood Hub, Cheshire

Project Overview

Warrington & Co

Project Name:
Great Sankey Neighbourhood Hub

Form of Contract:
New Engineering Contract 3 (DB), Option C Target Cost

Project Value:
£20 million

Warrington, Cheshire

March 2019

Services Provided:
Development Management

Baker Mallett were appointed by Warrington & Co to carry out a development management role for their new neighbourhood hub facility in Great Sankey.

Seconded directly into Warrington & Co’s development team, our role involved acting as client lead for the delivery of the scheme.

The project involved the redevelopment of the pre-existing Great Sankey Leisure Centre in to a new neighbourhood community hub facility, that compliments Warrington Borough Council’s other leisure offers at Orford, Woolston and Broomfield’s.

The project included the significant phased demolition of all previous facilities apart from the sports hall and swimming pool buildings, which were also completely refurbished with replacement pool and plant systems.

The new elements of the neighbourhood hub were reconstructed around these central features, which included reception area with library, digital well-being, greeting and meeting spaces, catering offer (Subway), pharmacy, health service facilities, spa facility, spin studio, fully equipped gymnasium, conference and office spaces, changing facilities and externally, new tennis courts, 3G pitches, car parking and external infrastructure.