Twycross Zoo Capex Programme Management

Project Overview

Twycross Zoo

Project Name:
Capex Plan Management 2019 / 2020 / 2021

Twycross Zoo, Atherstone, Warwickshire

May 2021

Services Provided:
Programme & Project Management

Baker Mallett were appointed by Twycross Zoo to provide programme and project management, financial advice and technical advisory services in relation to their Capex Plans for 2019-2021.

The Zoo has a capital budget which is allocated for small projects circa £1-10k, medium sized planned projects £10,000-50,000 and larger capitalised projects up to £200,000 in value.

Baker Mallett helped prepare the plan, organise and implement the projects and track the financial spend over the course of the year. Baker Mallett have been successful over a number of years achieving the zoo’s physical deliverables and financial objectives.

The more recent projects have included an extension to the Tortoise enclosure, installation of a new staff welfare and office accommodation and conversion of a Chimp enclosure to accommodate Bonobo’s.