£20 Million Relocation Project for Haringey Council Brought to a Successful End Despite CO-VID Disruption.

As Project Manager, Baker Mallett have managed a large design team from inception to completion, taking the project through a rigorous value engineering phase to ensure the project could be delivered within budget.

The project needed a complex amount of stakeholder engagement and management with various parties engaging at different authority levels.

The project is comprised of a new two-storey office building to house the various administrative functions, the construction of a new gatehouse, fuelling and wash area with extensive parking, offering fantastic facilities moving forward. The Project combines a number of council services including Veolia, Parks, Pest Control, Seized goods and Parking Enforcement, with each having their own specific requirements.

The scheme includes a number of sustainability measures including Photovoltaics, a bespoke battery storage system as well as electric vehicle charging points for both staff and the public.

The project programme was affected significantly during lockdown periods but the delivery team and client worked hard to mitigate any significant impacts.